Willard Van Orman Quine Guest Book Volume 1
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Willard Van Orman Quine Guest Books
W V Quine Guestbook Volume 1 (June 9, 1996 - September 30 1999)
W V Quine Guestbook Volume 2 (October 1 1999 to February 21 2000)
W V Quine Guestbook Volume 3 (February 22, 2000 to June 20 2003)
W V Quine Guestbook Volume 4 (June 21, 2003 to present)
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Willard Van Orman Quine Guest Book Volume 1
June 9, 1996 - September 30, 1999
- EP 96-06-09 Thanks for this very interesting page. I'm doing my master's thesis on W.V. Quine and find it quite interesting.
- EP 96-07-05 --- Thank you for the additional info. It's good to hear about the Kyoto Prize, I certainly think he deserves it. Some of the sites which are listed in the W.V. Quine home page are quite interesting. Others betray, I think, a basic lack of understanding of W.V. Quine's thought (as indeed I understand it!) BTW, progress on the thesis continues. P.S. A search of MEDLINE, the medical/health database of journal abstracts since 1966, yielded a few references to W.V. Quine. I'll try to send these along to you for your information and/or www page.
- QU 96-07-08 --- Interesting page, and quite an award!!!
- EP 96-07-09 --- As requested, here are the citations found in MEDLINE 1966-1996.
- MEDLINE EXPRESS (R) 1983-1989: TI: Consistency versus completeness in medical decision-making: exemplar of 155 patients autopsied after coronary artery bypass graft surgery.; AU: Moore-GW; Hutchins-GM; SO: Med-Inf-Lond. 1983 Jul-Sep; 8(3): 197-207; ISSN: 0307-7640; LA: ENGLISH; AB: Diagnoses made at autopsy are usually yes-no (binary) decisions inferred from clinicopathologic data. A major conceptual problem in determining cause of death is that variables used in classifying some patients may be missing in other patients. A model with too few logical implications will be mathematically incomplete for small data sets; but a model with too many implications may be inconsistent with large data sets. We examined the 155 patients autopsied after coronary artery bypass surgery from The Johns Hopkins Hospital autopsy data base of 43,200 cases. Diagnoses entered on a word processor and transmitted to a minicomputer were solved by the Quine-McCluskey algorithm. Our analysis disclosed that 41% of patients suffered a fatal complication of cardiac surgery; 43% had established surgical complications or unrelated causes of death; and in 17% of cases the cause of death was unexplained. Computerized symbolic logic analysis of medical information is useful in testing the completeness of a proposed set of causes of death.
AN: 88231913
- MEDLINE EXPRESS (R): TI: Ontological categories guide young children's inductions of word meaning: object terms and substance terms [see comments]; AU: Soja-NN; Carey-S; Spelke-ES; SO: Cognition. 1991 Feb; 38(2): 179-211; ISSN: 0010-0277; LA: ENGLISH; AB: Three experiments assessed the possibility, suggested by Quine (1960, 1969) among others, that the ontology underlying natural language is induced in the course of language learning, rather than constraining learning from the beginning. Specifically, we assessed whether the ontological distinction between objects and non-solid substances conditions projection of word meanings prior to the child's mastery of count/mass syntax. Experiments 1 and 2 contrasted unfamiliar objects with unfamiliar substances in a word-learning task. Two-year-old subjects' projection of the novel word to new objects respected the shape and number of the original referent. In contrast, their projection of new words for non-solid substances ignored shape and number. There were no effects of the child's knowledge of count/mass syntax, nor of the syntactic context in which the new word was presented. Experiment 3 revealed that children's natural biases in the absence of naming do not lead to the same pattern of results. We argue that these data militate against Quine's conjecture.; AN: 91266539
- MEDLINE EXPRESS (R): TI: The myocardial microangiopathy in human and experimental diabetes mellitus. (A microscopic, ultrastructural, morphometric and computer-assisted symbolic-logic analysis).
AU: Tasca-C; Stefaneanu-L; Vasilescu-C; SO: Endocrinologie. 1986 Apr-Jun; 24(2): 59-69; ISSN: 0035-4015; LA: ENGLISH; AB: The following microscopical aspects were found in the small intramural arteries in the myocardium of 30 diabetic patients: endothelial proliferations with focal protuberances leading to partial narrowing of the lumen, increased thickness of the arterial wall due to fibrosis and accumulations of neutral mucopolysaccharides: alteration of elastic fibres. Morphometrically, the arterial wall thickness and the arterial diameter were increased whereas the arterial density decreased in the diabetic heart. In 25 rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes the small intramyocardial arteries were investigated at 11 to 40 weeks of diabetic state. Using morphometrical analysis a constant increase of arterial wall thickness paralleling the diabetes duration was found. Microscopically, the lesions consist in endothelial proliferation with bridging across the vascular lumen and slight perivascular and diffuse fibrosis. Ultrastructurally, the capillary basal lamina was thickened in the diabetic myocardium. In order to investigate the morphometrical data we used symbolic-logic as a decision method, by applying an original computer program based on the Quine-McCluskey algorithm. All our results together with the final symbolic-logic expression suggest that damage of the small intramyocardial arteries plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetic cardiomyopathy.
- MEDLINE EXPRESS (R): TI: Underdetermination.; AU: McMullin-E; SO: J-Med-Philos. 1995 Jun; 20(3): 233-52; ISSN: 0360-5310; LA: ENGLISH; AB: When trying to assess the implications of recent deep shifts in the philosophy of science for the broader arena of medicine, the theme that most readily comes to mind is underdetermination. In scientific research one always hopes for determination: that the world should determine the observations we make of it; that evidence should determine the theories we adopt; that the practice of science should determine results independent of the sort of society in which that practice takes place. In this essay, doubts cast on each of these ideas by recent work in philosophy of science will be discussed and the consequences for philosophy of medicine will be indicated.
AN: 95387083
- EP 96-07-10 --- What fascinates my about W.V. Quine's work is its consonance with the rest of science, both hard science and softer sciences such as the medical arts. It is indeed interesting that you and your father have been cited in the medical literature for different reasons, but as I understand it your father would maintain the difference is one of degree rather than of kind.
- DA 96-07-19 --- I've been making sure folk in the comp.ai.philosophy newsgroup never forget his name for the past year now.... So posting your e-mail information there may be useful. Kind regards, and I hope he's well...I'd like to see more from him on what he thinks of contemporary cognitive psychology (which i think is very sadly misguided).
- DA 96-07-19 --- And well deserved the Kyoto prize is too. I take it you're his son - are you in philosophy too? Can I draw your (and possibly his) attention to something which draws on: 'I should like to see a new conceptual apparatus of a logically and behaviourally straightforward kind by which to formulate, for scientific purposes, the sort of psychological information that is conveyed nowadays by idioms of propositional attitude.' W V O Quine (1978) in Men of Ideas BBC --- namely: 'Fragments of Behaviour: The Extensional Stance' available (along with a summary text and some critical reviews by colleagues) at: https://www.uni-hamburg.de/~kriminol/TS/tskr.htm
- DA 96-07-20 --- I only really began to appreciate how radical some of your father's work
was about 5 years ago - maybe it was just coincidence, and maybe I've made use of it it a way he might disaprove, but the material on the nature of the propositional attitudes and the problems of the intensional generally, sit very neatly with the work of Tversky and Kahneman (1973;1982) and the work which Paul Meehl has been pushing since the early 1950s on the merits of actuarial vs clinical (intuitive) judgement....(cf Dawes, Faust and Meehl "Actuarial vs Clinical Judgement" Science 1989). I think the "Cognitive Revolution" is a big mistake......
- DD 96-07-22 --- As you may know the Bertrand Russell Society gave W.V Quine their Society
Award this year.
- DA 96-07-26 --- I've been "encouraging" folk in comp.ai.philosophy to take a long hard look at "Pursuit of Truth" - but one thing in it puzzles me. What did he drop the approving references to Raymond Nelson and the Churchlands between the first edition 1990 and the second edition 1992? This is in the Intension chapter - in the second edition, they have been replaced by Davidson and Dennett....
- QU 96-07-27 --- Good Job. Very interesting page.
- DA 96-07-28 --- The following would qualify for entry amongst your list of Quine
related materials? It is explicitly Quinean -- "Fragments of Behaviour: The Extensional Stance" --https://www.uni-hamburg.de/~kriminol/TS/tskr.htm It's a critique of intensional psychology drawing on Quine's work on the propositional attitudes ... if he has time to glance through it, he might find a few threads of work in contemporary psychology which he finds more than substantiate his concerns..
- EP 96-07-28 --- I've just had a chance to take a look at your updated web page. Thanks for the interesting work. I'll keep an eye out for further references to Quines. Your account of your evolution as a scientist was also interesting, especially in that your philatelic interests and eventual career is (perhaps) in a sense a kind of outgrowth of your father's extracurricular interests. Finally, I noticed that you reference thinknet in your web page and also sent a copy of your announcement to quine (at) thinknet.com. Is this akin to a mailing list? Is it a moderated list?
- RO 96-08-01 --- I have put a link to your page in my bibliography. I notice that one of your links to my pages uses an out-of-date reference to a cybercom address. A reference to rbjones.com would be preferable and more stable. Addresses of the form: https://www(or kalypso).cybercom.net/~rbjones/rbjpub/... should be changed to: https://www.rbjones.com/rbjpub/... I found a couple of links on your page inaccessible, but failed to take a note of which. Might have been temporary. Thanks for the info and the references to my pages.
- RO 96-08-23 --- The web page https://www.wvquine.org/wv-quine.html has a link to which is now out of date. You may reset it to https://shore.net/~vanegas/analytic/bibliography or if you think it is appropriate (as I do), then to its homepage which is just https://shore.net/~vanegas/analytic/. Thanks..
- VA 96-08-25 --- Just a short note to advise you of a small mistake. . Logic and Language, 2 series, 1951-53. 24) Fodor Representations 25) Fodor The Language of Thought 26) Bas van Fraassen The Scientific Image 27) Feigl Sellars Readings in Philosophical Analysis 28) Frege Collected Papers 29) Frege Posthumous Writings 30) ... Notice the ">" at the end of the HREF value. It should not be there. By the way, I'm guessing that you are not Prof Quine himself, but it seems you share his unlikely name. Are you somehow related? [I'm his son.]
- FR 96-08-31 --- My mother sent the Akron Beacon Journal clipping on your father's Kyoto Prize. What a wonderful recognition of lifetime achievement. Do you and Maryclaire get to carry their bags on the trip to Japan??? I wrote Dr. Willard last week, congratulating him and noting we had never met but that he knew with my father and uncles while growing up in Akron. Next to you and my cousin in Tallahassee, Willard has to be the most famous Quine of all. Regards, FR -- laughter IS the best medicine :) - Doug
https://math.idbsu.edu/faculty/holmes/nf.html. It is maintained by Dr. Randall Holmes of Boise State University and is devoted to the ongoing study of the system of set theory originated by W. V. Quine. Perhaps you would like to include a link to it. Yours sincerely, PD -- Thank you very much - I have gone aover all of the references and rechecked them as well as adding a number of enhanced descriptions and new references. I always appreciate any information about faulty links or new sources. - Doug
- DA 96-09-11 --- I take it the article your refer to is the one at the end of the web page? The significant point for me is his statement on algorithms.
- DA 96-09-11 --- The fact that Donald Davidson gave up experimental psychology after finding his results in decision theory boggling is something I can sympathise with though. I find myself at that critical stage too, and reading one of Bruner's (1986) books, I am beginning to think that this may be something that many psychologists come to realise mid career - alas. I think W. V. Quine's work de-psychologises it!
- HB 96-09-26 --- My name is William Jan Bartelds. I'm from the beautiful city of Assen in the Netherlands. I'm using an account of a friend of mine (hbebingh (at) globalxs.nl), because I have no account of my own. I have a question, and I hope you can answer it: Do you think that the article "Two Dogmas of Empiricism" is basically a way of substituting pragmatism with the Letzbegründung (i.e. ultimate foundation) of Experientalism? Or is that just a foundationalist way of looking at Pragmatism? -- I have forwarded your question to the Willard Van Orman Quine discussion group list (quine (at) think.net): I'll advise you if I receive any responses. - Doug
- ML 96-09-28 --- Hi William and everyone, William Barelds wrote: "Do you think that the article "Two Dogmas of Empiricism" is basically a way of substituting pragmatism with the Letzbegründung (i.e. ultimate foundation) of Experientalism? Or is that just a foundationalist way of looking at Pragmatism?"
I'm not sure I understand your question because it's ambiguous whether you meant to say that Quine was supplanting pragmatism with some empiricist foundations or whether he was supplanting empiricist foundations with a coherentist pragmatism. I'm not a professional philosopher but I've always taken that essay as an argument for the latter. I don't believe you can look to Quine for justification of any sort of foundationalism (although, arguably, you could define foundationalism so that just about anything fits in). In attacking the "Two Dogmas" of the analytic/synthetic distinciton and reductionism (in this case, the explication of all knowledge in terms of primitive observation sentences) Quine is attacking the purported foundations of the logical positivists brand of empiricism and appealing to his holistic (coherentist) pragmatism as the better approach. You might still call that a kind of foundationalism but if so it's of a very different sort from the from that philosophers like to fight about. Or at least that's my take. Hope that helps. Sincerely, - mlr (at) space.physics.uiowa.edu
- AF 96-10-26 --- Just stopping by and enjoyed the visit. I remember seeing Dr. Quine at West Chester University back in the 70's when I was a student there. He gave an interesting talk and was a pleasure to meet. Bill (afwsj (at) cwolf.alaska.edu)
- LE 96-11-02 --- Hello...I am a former philosophy student from California State University at Long Beach. I have read "Web of Belief" and "Two Dogmas of Empiricism" and parts of "Word and Object" I found them unforgettable and very interesting. Thanks for writing them, - LEBOZODIAK (at) aol.com (my father appreciates the kind thoughts) - Doug
- DR 96-11-09 Kyoto Lectures --- Are there ways to get copies of the lectures? I believe that the Kyoto Prize book in January 1997 will include the lectures. - Doug
- JA 96-11-13 --- Dear Van--Congratulations on your new prize --- from your country cousin-in-law
- QU 96-11-14 --- Sorry, I missed "WV Quine Kyoto Prize Live On Internet". What was your reaction to it? We watched the magnificent ceremony in Kyoto early November 10 as it unfolded across the Internet. The elegant hall, music, and flowers all created an ambiance to reflect this special event. For us the experience was an interesting study in contrasts with the traditional Japanese music and dress being complimented by the latest technology that enabled us to watch the ceremony as it happened with color still images every 15 to 60 seconds and a continuous sound feed that crackled in a muffled way much like an early short wave radio. We watched from home on a laptop computer with data pouring through the Internet and over the slow telephone line to our house. The gold medal and purple ribbon were an impressive sight even half way around the world! The Royal Prince and Princess added an element of tradition impossible in this country while we joined in spirit with President Bill Clinton's "delight to congratulate Willard van Orman Quine" on an intellectual life dedicated to the betterment of humanity. We were pleased to hear the acceptance speech and see early family photographs as a life of research was recognized in a very special setting. The beautiful children's choir and symphony provided a fitting closing.
- GR 96-11-17 --- The image associated with the hit counter on your WVO Quine page, and on
your own page appears to be broken. In other words, the source code 'IMG SRC="https://counter.digits.com/wc/-d/4/webmaster@triskelion-ltd.com" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=20 ALT=" [1,622 as of Nov 15, 1996] "' is not doing its job. Thanks for the WVO pages. The counters often do not respond properly because WebCounter is so badly overloaded. As a result, you often receive the default text which does not fit in the window on some browsers. I understand that demand for Webcounter's services is expanding so fast that they have trouble buying hardware fast enought. I'm glad that you appreciate the WVQ pages.
- HU 96-11-19 QUINE ON HUSSERL --- These quotes are from _The American Philosopher_ interviews conducted by G. Borradori and published in 1994 by U. of Chicago Press:
"The phenomenological tradition never attracted me very much. I read Husserl's _Logical Investigations_ with difficulty, but I couldn't get into the rules of the game; much of it was a matter of introspection, and his terms seemed vague to me. Somebody has tried to establish some link between my philosophy and his phenomenology. I was never too convinced, though I recognize that Husserl and I, in very different ways, addressed some of the same things. I am interested in the combination of behaviorism and neurology, and he was interested in introspection."
(p.34) -- (Faced with this two-dimensional dilemma, I'd take introspection any day...) Now this has nothing to do with Husserl, but you may get a chuckle:
Quine on Poe: "The combination of the grandeur of the whole picture painted by Poe, and the grandiose language in which he presented it, fascinated me. I was interested in writing, and tried to write in the style of Poe. I even considered a career in writing. But, by the time I was in college, I had stronger interests in mathematics and philosophy, and my idea of becoming a writer brought me to another kind of writing." (p. 38)
The next quote may reveal that philosophy's gain was also literature's gain: "I'm very keen on travel, from way back. Traveling means crossing cultural and mental boundaries. . . . This may have something to do with alternating generations in my family. My father had a true passion for machines but he didn't travel at all, except on business. His father, on the other hand, was a sailor. Perhaps I, too, am a bit of sailor [sic]: a sailor of logic."
Here's to all you co-sailors of introspection!
Cheers, "husserl (at) THINK.NET" I enjoyed the recent quotations by Quine on Poe. Poe is certainly one of his favorite writers - and one that he can quote at length to this day. - Doug
- RR 96-11-24 Congratulations on Award --- My husband is a net surfer and we just located your Dad's home page with the announcement of your father's recent award. I am sure you are all very proud of and excited for him. I actually had heard the news last week from a colleague of mine, Dr. Jack McGovern - from Harvard and we followed it up on the home page. I was happy to hear Van is doing well, and still achieving so much. I have vivid memories of him from the mid-seventies, and especially remember with fondness his dry sense of humor! Thanks for the kind words on my father's recent prize. It was exciting to watch the ceremony slowly unfold across the Internet. Both my parents had a great trip to Japan and when they reurned late last week they were still bubbling with excitement from the ceremonies and their travels around Japan afterwards. I've been amazed to see how many people heard about the prize and have written to comment on it. --- Doug
- TI 96-11-24 --- Your page on Dr. W. V. O. Quine is extremely interesting and will be of great use to both philosophers and laymen. Incidentally, I was at the Workshop that took place on occasion of his acceptance of the Kyoto Prize and posted a brief report about it on my homepage. I hope you will find it of some interest. Please visit URL: https://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/kic/~tit03611/index-e.html. Toshihiko ISE, Dept. of philosophy, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. - tit03611 (at) kic.ritsumei.ac.jp Thank you for the E-Mail message regarding the Quine workshop information that you posted on your home page. I also appreciate the link that you provided to my WV Quine web page. Both my father and my mother were very excited about their visit to Japan and the additional week of explorations after the prize ceremonies and workshops were over. - Doug
- BJ: 96-11-25 "Kyoto Lecture Copies" --- Are there ways to get copies of the lectures? -Bjeffreys (at) aol.com I understand that the annual Kyoto Prize book will be published in early 1997 that should include the lectures by the prize winners - Doug
- LE: 96-11-29 "Dr. Quine Publications" --- Please keep me posted on his newest works and any articles in philosophical journals. If possible, - Lee Chauser (lebozodiak (at) aol.com). I believe that the Kyoto Prize book will be published in 1997 and will include the Quine lectures from the Kyoto Prize program. I know that he is also completing another anthology of papers. I'll try to provide additional information as it is available. Over the holidays I asked WV Quine about recent publications. The book list is up to date in my home page. In terms of journal articles, the latest is probably "Progress on Two Fronts" in Journal of Philosophy 1996. - Doug
- LE 96-12-03 "Dr. Quine Publications" --- Thanks...I am in touch with a lot of my philosophy alumni and former professors who will be anxious to read them. Yours philosophically, - Lee Chauser (lebozodiak (at) aol.com)
- RS 96-12-11 "Best Regards to Professor Quine" --- Enjoyed your page. Been reading from 'Word and Object' and stopped by for homage. --- rsamstag (at) ix.netcom.com (Randal Samstag) Thank you for the kind thoughts which I relayed to Prof. Quine.
- CO 96-12-12 "Acclamation" --- I am a huge fan of the man. I read 'Word and Object' this summer and was totally blown away. I'm currently reading 'From Stimulus to Science' and am similarly elated. yesterday I was thumbing through his autobiography and discovered that he and I have the same birthday. It's kind of arbitrary and funny--I laughed when I read it. If you feel like congratulating him one more time on his reception of the 1996 Kyoto Prize, I'd be grateful, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind hearing it again. I'm graduating w/ a BA. in letters this fall and congratulations are never to be spared. Dr. Quine is a very inspiring man, and I know I'll carry around many of his ideas through my life. --- cobb9358 (at) pop1.backbone.ou.edu (James Philip Cobb) Thank you for the kind thoughts which I relayed to Prof. Quine. He has very much appreciated the outpouring of congratulations. - Doug
- KS 96-12-18 "Quine Philosophy" --- I am interested in reading a short summary of what W.V Quine thinks. Is there anything available on the internet? --- ksolway (at) ozemail.com.au (Kevin Solway)
The Thinking Man's Minefield --- https://www.ozemail.com.au/~ksolway/. Best summary of W. V. Quine philosophy online that I can think of is the Kyoto Prize citation which can e reached through the W V Quine home page that I set up: -- https://www.wvquine.org/wv-quine.html -- Otherwise jump to some of the references listed in that home page that I set up - especially biographical references. If that also fails then you could post a message on the quine subscription list: "quine (at) think.net" and request that comments be E-Mailed back to you. Finally there is always the option of reading something he wrote - "Quiddities" is a very easy reading book of short essays that is a lot of fun. (It is hard to distill 70 years of thought into a sound byte.)
- SH 96-12-21 "Naturalized Epistemology" --- Thank you for a very interesting and informative tour. i am in the process of compiling a small bibliography on Naturalized Epistemology for a course in the Library Studies programme at McGill University and will be sure to include the website. Sincerely, --- Alexander (Sacha) Jerabek (shek (at) musicb.mcgill.ca)
- AL 96-12-28 "Predicate Functor Logic" --- I am planning to work on Predicate Functor Logic. Could you please send me the list of the works of W.V.O. Quine on this subject. On New Year's Eve I relayed your request to W V Quine. He was very pleased to learn of your interest in "predicate functor logic". He suggests the following sources of information: 1/ In the appendix of his book "From Stimulus to Science"; 2/ In the 4th edition (revised) "Methods of Logic" look for references to either "predicate functor logic" or "term function logic". Detailed bibliographical references to these books are available on the W V Quine home page: https://www.wvquine.org/wv-quine.html - Doug
- AL 97-01-02 "Predicate Functor Logic" --- Thank you for your friendly mail. I am working as an electronics engineer. I am interesested in Logic and I am working as an MS student in the Department of Philosophy.
- PE 97-01-06 "W.V. Quine Czech translation" --- The Czech edition of W.V. Quine's PURSUIT OF TRUTH (my translation), which you have listed in your overview of W.V. Quine's books, appeared in 1994, and not in 1995. --- peregrin (at) praha1.ff.cuni.cz (Jaroslav Peregrin) Thank you very much for the correction, I will correct this on the web site and also advise Prof. Quine. Sometimes the translation dates are a little uncertain because of delays in hearing about them. I'm impressed that you found this error so quickly. - Doug
- OH 97-01-30 "Identity in New Foundations" --- Hello, Dr. Quine, I believe your New Foundations is the best available set theory, at the present time, but I have a problem with identity as expressed there. I cannot prove x=y->(~(x~(y(Fx<->Fy). Could you clarify? I returned from a business trip last night to find that Prof Quine has responded to your question with hard copy detailed letters. -- Doug Thanks to you both for the time and attention. Owen (oholden (at) idirect.com)
Quine's Response 1
Quine's Response 2
W. V. Quine Guestbook: E-Mail Updates
- Feb 18, 1997 "Quine Secondary Sources"... --- I will be taking a seminar next quarter on Quine and Davidson. I will probably be reading "Word & Object" and some essay sfrom "From a Logical Point of View" and I'm not sure what of Davidson's I'll be reading. I am looking for three secondary texts along the following lines: 1) GOOD, widely referred to commentary on Quine 2) Commentary on Quine illuminating points of contact to Wittgenstein (and perhaps the pragmatists). 3) Commentary on Quine illuminating points of contact to Davidson. Thanks in advance. --- Colin Koopman -- email: koopmanc (at) elwha.evergreen.edu I would recommend C. Hookway "Quine" for 1 and 3. Quine's "pragmatism" is more imagined than real according to the "In Conversation" series of interviews edited by R Fara. Quine is a radical empiricist. Perhaps the most unflinching radical empiricist in print. -- from David Longley -- email: David (at) longley.demon.co.uk -- Web Page: https://www.longley.demon.co.uk/
- Feb 19, 1997
(found site through: IFind)
--- An excellent resource -- thank you.
--- from Willem Bakker -- email: wbakker (at) uiuc.edu
- Feb 20, 1997 (found site through: Excite Web Search) --- Love Quine! --- from Mike Nicoletti -- email: cu840 (at) cleveland.freenet.edu
- Feb 21 1997 "It Tastes Like Chicken" --- I'm a student at Rutgers University and I'm taking Intro to Logic Reasoning and Persuasion. Our professor recently gave us a question regarding your book "It Tastes Like Chicken." That question was, as trivial as it seems, what tastes like chicken. I have not been able to find this book in the library and I can't seem to access it on the internet. I was hoping you could help me, or assist me in anyway. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Jill Janotta -- email: uqcf84a (at) prodigy.com
- 97-02-25 "IT TASTES LIKE CHICKEN" --- Hi I am writing to ask you a question. Quine once wrote a story in which he said "It tastes like chicken". My question is what tastes like chicken. I would appreciate it. Thanks If you could e-mail me: heayn (at) eden.rutgers.edu -- Michael Heayn. Actually this Dr. Quine is this son of the Dr/Prof Quine you seek. My father tells me that "It Tastes Like Chicken" was published in 1951 in the journal FURIOSO and then reprinted 5 or 10 years ago in another journal called DELOS. It is a very short story and a shame to give away the punch line by answering the question. I just searched my files and cannot find the copy that I had about 30 years ago. Is there any way that with this information you could persuade your professor to offer up a copy of this one and only fictional short story written by W. V. Quine? Best - Doug
- 97-02-26 "IT TASTES LIKE CHICKEN" --- Thanks for the help. I found Furioso in our library. Interesting story. heayn (at) eden.rutgers.edu (Michael Heayn)
- Feb 23, 1997 "inquiry regarding one of Prof. Quine's books" (found site through: aol) --- Last September, I saw a book of yours titled In Praise of Observation Sentences. I did not buy it at that time, but when I went back to get it, the book was gone. Subsequently, I found an article by the same title in the Journal of Philosophy but I would still like a copy of the book. I have called all of the bookstores in this area, (including bookstores on the internet) and have checked the libraries in this area, but I cannot find the book. Do you know how I can go about obtaining a copy of this book? (I am beginning to wonder if I did really see this book at the bookstore after all!) Thank You. from Toni Petroskey -- email: toniptrsky (at) aol.com I spoke with Prof Quine last night who told me that "Praise of Observation Sentences" is an article only and is not a book - as you were starting to suspect. His complete book list is shown on the web page I made for him at https://www.wvquine.org/wv-quine.html - Regards - Doug
- Feb 28, 1997 (found site through: looked on computer) --- i have a question about wv quine. is he still living and if so whee in the vicinity is he? i would like to mail letter to him if his still alive thanks from pablo casso
- Feb 28, 1997 (found site through: web searching) --- i have a question concerning "it tastes like chicken", a book that quine wrote. well what tases like chicken? i have to know for an extra credit assignment for a logic course. pleasemail me when you get this. thank you from joesph leake -- email: deftones (at) eden.rutgers.edu at https://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~deftones
- Feb 28, 1997 (found site through: lokked ofr it man) --- i don't know anything about wv quine's story, "it takes liekc hinken. could you hel p me with it/.? i need to kno3 ewhat it is that tes like chicken. thanks from pablo honey -- email: pinga (at) zappa.juilo.edu
- Mar 6, 1997 "general interest in Duhem/Quine hypothesis" (found site through: yahoo) --- really intriguing page..keep up the good work and let me know about new developments. from Ron Cadieux -- email: rcadieux (at) yorku.ca
- Mar 12, 1997 "greetings and New Foundations" (found site through: personal communication) --- Greetings to Dr. Quine; he may recall my visit to Boston circa 1990.
People interested in Quine's set theory "New Foundations" may be interested in visiting the web site https://math.idbsu.edu/faculty/holmes/nf.html which is devoted to New Foundations and related systems. On my own home page (which can be reached from the NF page) one can find information on the Mark2 automated reasoning system, whose higher-order logic is a version of NF, and one can find my draft set theory textbook.
The consistency question for New Foundations remains stubbornly open, in spite of valiant recent efforts. NF is known to disprove the axiom of choice (Specker, 1954). NFU (New Foundations with extensionality weakened to allow urelements) is consistent and consistent with Choice (as long as Russell's type theory is consistent. On my web site one can find my draft set theory text using NFU. --- Sincerely , M. Randall Holmes -- email: holmes (at) math.idbsu.edu at https://math.idbsu.edu/faculty/holmes.html
- Mar 18, 1997 "Research" (found site through: Link from Kyoto page - excite) --- I'm a friend of Roberta and Albert Wohlstetter. I gave Albert a copy of "The Time of My Life". I was so taken with it I gave one to myself, along with "Quiddites" and "From Stimulus to Science". Congratulations on the Kyoto Prize. from Paul Kozemchak -- email: pkozemchak (at) arpa.mil at https://www.arpa.mil/
- Mar 18, 1997 "Hello and comment" (found site through: Paul Wong's Home Page) --- Greetings from Simon Fraser University in B.C, Canada. I'm currently a PhD student in philosophy here at SFU and have been a longtime fan of W.V. Quine's work. To my mind, Quine's work gives us the finest example of how philosophy is to be done. It is no surprise that he has recently won the Kyoto prize given that his influence on American philosophy is unsurpassed in this century. I plan to write my dissertation on the philosophy of Donald Davidson, so the importance of Quine's work for me should be obvious. Thanks for the great web page and many thanks to W.V. Quine for his contributions to philosophy. from Robert Sinclair, PhD Student
Simon Fraser University -- email: resincla (at) sfu.ca
- Mar 22, 1997 (found site through: AltaVista) --- Excellent site! from Vesa-Matti J. Kari -- email: v-mkari (at) cc.joensuu.fi
- [WVQ} Apr 3, 1997 "linguistics" (found site through: Web Crawler) --- I went up to Merton College as a graduate student the year Professor Quine was there, and I have been following his philosophy ever since (and had been slightly before). I'm giving a paper on Quinean aspects of Roy Harris's "integrational" linguistics next July at the 16th International Congress of Linguists. With very best wishes... from George Wolf --- Email: sgwfl (at) uno.edu">sgwfl (at) uno.edu
- [WVQ} Apr 10, 1997 "Greetings" (found site through: Sandro Reis' Guide) --- This site found in the pursuit of truth, I find both exciting. All the best to all of you! Maxim Lebedev from Maxim V. Lebedev --- Email: buran (at) glasnet.ru Web Page: https://www.glasnet.ru/~buran
- [WVQ} Apr 17, 1997 (found site through: webcrawler) --- I admire Prof. Quine as the most heroic and consequent empiricist, nominalist and extensionalist. Having this opinion I do not what is the proper place of "The Pursuits of Truth" in his work. The book is just an essay suggest changes in many positions elaborated in details in former works of Prof. Quine. Does book shows development of Prof. Quine's philosophy or is it kind of free reflection ? With best wishes, Gabriel Kurczewski from Gabriel Kurczewski --- Email: Gabriel (at) MAIUS.in.uj.edu.pl
- [WVQ} Apr 17, 1997 "Honouring The Great Van Orman Quine" (found site through: AltaVista) --- Personally, I see Quine as my philosophical saviour. Before I read him I was deeply immersed in transcendental brouhaha of Kant, Apel, and all that crap. After reading Quine, I saw the naturalistic light. Now I am a hardcore scientistic realist (without a girlfriend, sadly). The only point of disagreement I have with Quine is that I think he is still too much committed to the analytical paradigm. In my view, Quine is just like Moses, who made it to the promised land (of empirical science) but didn't enter it. from Drs. P.J. Sas, philosopher --- Email: P.J.Sas (at) fwb.eur.nl
- [WVQ} Apr 19, 1997 "Philosophy/Logic/Mathematics/Science" --- Go Quine! from Edward Abplanalp
- [WVQ} Apr 19, 1997 --- e-mail from Edward Abplanalp --- Email: ea55720 (at) navix.net
- [WVQ} May 7, 1997 "McX and Wyman" --- In his essay "On What There Is", Willard Quine introduces two
fictional philosophers who put forward certain ontological doctrines:
McX and Wyman. It would be interesting to know whether Quine was
thereby alluding to some real philosophers. My guess for McX would
be Hugh MacColl, but I have no idea who Wyman might stand for.
Thanks for considering the question! from Dr. Kai F. Wehmeier --- Email: Kai.Wehmeier (at) math.uni-muenster.de Web Page: https://wwwmath.uni-muenster.de/math/users/wehmeier/ I spoke with Prof Quine last night regarding your question which he found interesting. He says his intention was to create some fictional philosophers ("X" and "Y") to illustrate some of his concerns. There may also have been a "Z" man. These fictional philosophers were not designed to represent any particular philosophers although their viewpoints may happen reflect those of actual philosophers.
- Doug
- [WVQ} Jun 3, 1997 "logic" (found site through: Yahoo) --- Did you receive the "calendrier de la logique"? from James Gasser --- Email: james.gasser (at) imaa.unil.ch
- [WVQ} Jun 12, 1997 "best wishes and comment" (found site through: Alta Vista) --- This is to inform you that the foreword Professor Quine was so kind
as to write for my Kurt Gödel, Unpublished Philosophical Essays
(Birkhäuser, 1995; Spanish ed. Mondadori 1994), is now to appear
in the Japanese translation of this book. So my thanks to Prof.
Quine is now given not only twice, but thrice! from Francisco Rodriguez-Consuegra -- Email: francisco.rodriguez (at) uv.es Web Page: https://www.uv.es/~rodriguf
I spoke with Prof Quine last night who very much appreciated your message and complimented you on the high quality of your work as well as recalling that he has a copy of the Spanish translation. He congratulates you on the latest translation. Regards - Doug
- [WVQ} Jun 28, 1997 "Web Mirror Page" (found site through: I wrote this page) --- These web pages are now available at a mirror site:
"https://www.triskelion-ltd.com/" - Doug - Web Page: https://www.triskelion-ltd.com/
- [WVQ} Aug 21, 1997 (found site through: https://www.arrowweb.com/philo/) --- I'm glad I discovered that Van has a Web Page. I'm editing the Cambridge Companion to Quine, and I'm sure info from the Web Page will be useful in that project. Thanks. from Roger F. Gibson --- Email: roger (at) twinearth.wustl.edu
- [WVQ} Aug 24, 1997 --- Pease visit my site by clicking here! from Troy --- Email: SchlossTAS (at) Aol.com
- [WVQ} Aug 27, 1997 (found site through: followed link from the New Foundations home page) ---
In your of list, I could not find a link to the new foundations
home page, maintained by Randall Holmes. In any case, here's the URL: https://math.idbsu.edu/~holmes/holmes/nf.html
I enjoyed looking at the Quine home page. Cheers, - Aldo from Aldo Antonelli --- Email: aantonel (at) pilot.msu.edu Web Page: https://www.msu.edu/user/aantonel
- [WVQ} Sept 2, 1997 --- "Methods of Logic - In Spanish" Hello: I am a first year student of philosophy at the UNAM in Mexico City. I am desperately looking for a Spanish version of The Methods of Logic and I am told it is out of print- Could you help me locate a copy. Best regards, Jame Ritch Grande Ampudia --- Email: jritch (at) rhm.com.mx
- [WVQ} Sept 3, 1997 --- Estimado profesor Quine, Soy profesor de filosofía de la ciencia en la Universidad del Valle Colombia. Actualmente me encuentro estudiando su obra, quisiera establecer
una comunicación más permanete con usted. Cordial saludo, German Guerrero Pino, Universidad del Valle, Escuela de FilosofIa Ampudia --- Email: gegerrer (at) mafalda.univalle.edu.co
- [WVQ} Sept 12, 1997 --- We are Peruvian students from Catholic University. We are working out a paper about the chapter entitled REFERENCE AND MODALITY from the book FROM A LOGICAL POINT OF VIEW. And we would like you to ask Dr. Willard Van Orman Quine to give us some help in this academic work. We would also like to ask him some easy examples and graphical schemes to show our classmates an easy-to-understand lecture. We would be so pleased if you answer our academic request. We are looking forward to your quick response. Pedro Apolinario U. --- Email: a9563630 (at) pucp.edu.pe and Victor Montero C. ---
Email: a9460856 (at) pucp.edu.pe
I regret to say that Prof. Quine receives so many hundred messages that he cannot offer to assist in developing specific examples to help with academic assignments. Regards - Doug
- [WVQ} Sep 14, 1997 "Quine Subscription List Domain Change" --- ***********************NOTICE***********************
The domain name for the QUINE list has changed from QUINE (at) THINK.NET to QUINE (at) THINKNET.ORANGE.CA.US
For HELP send your message to HELP (at) THINKNET.ORANGE.CA.US
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Thinknet BBS -- part of DialogNet -- A new universe of discourse.
Philosophy, Systems Theory, Literature and various Academic Subjects myriad thoughtful email lists - associated WEB-BBS for backlog --
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from Quine Subscription List Administrator --- Email: THINKNET (at) EXO.COM Web Page: https://server.snni.com:80/~palmer/dialognet.html
- [WVQ} Oct 5, 1997 (found site through: Alta Vista) --- Thanks for all the Quine info. Setting up my own WVQ page. from Thomas Gedwillo --- Email: sayuu.suru (at) pobox.com Web Page: https://www.concentric.net/~gedwillo/main.htm
- [WVQ} Oct 11, 1997 (found site through: aldo antonelli's web site) --- As an undergraduate I was hesitant to go into Philosophy
professionally but studying Quine's work has to a large extent kept
me going. He is the reason why many of us study Philosophy. from Joel A. Martinez --- Email: marti256 (at) pilot.msu.edu
- [WVQ} Oct 28, 1997 "to know about logic" (found site through: philosophy of logic) --- is nonmonotonic reasoning a true logic? from Gustavo de la Rosa Muruato --- Email: gmuruato (at) cantera.reduaz.mx
- [WVQ} Nov 17, 1997 "help" --- In my english class we required to interview someone that is employed in our desired career. You are that person. If possible, please e-mail me so I may interview you. Thank you-
Stephany from stephany --- Email: dawnnor (at) aol.com
- [WVQ} Nov 26, 1997 (found site through: my computer) --- I can't comment anything, for I don't know what to comment.
from peter Seebeck --- Email: instia (at) hotmail.com
- [WVQ} Dec 6, 1997 "Memories..." (found site through: Metacrawler) --- An accidental "hit" (on "Karnaugh Maps"!) - but thought I'd just say
"Hello". I took Prof. Quine's "Intro to logic" course in ca. 1964
(unlike Prof. Quine, I'm not always able to deal with "certainties"!),
and remember that this was the class in which a student came up with
a way to diagram the intersection of three sets (or something like
that - I'm sure Prof. Quine remembers the event quite accurately!). I
went on to get a PhD from Harvard in Chemistry, but am currently teach-
ing in the EE Dept. at the University of Washington.
Thanks for creating such a fantastic web page! If you haven't already,
I think you should tell Harvard Magazine about it, and install a link
on their website. from Dr. James A. van Zee --- Email: vanzee (at) u.washington.edu Web Page: www.weber.u.washington.edu/~vanzee/
- [WVQ} Dec 7, 1997 "Analytic Philosophy" (found site through: Altavista) --- Congratulations you have done a great job.- from Sergio Prince --- Email: anaser (at) entelchile.net
- [WVQ} Dec 11, 1997 (found site through: Altavista) --- I am currently enrolled in a junior tutorial on the philosophy of Quine right here at Harvard. It's a shame Professor Quine wasn't asked to come downstairs (we meet in Emerson Hall on the first floor) to speak to us. Thanks for making a great resource available. Now if I can just put together a five page response to the question "How does the project of naturalized epistemology cohere with the blurring of the analytic/synthetic distinction?" I'll be home free. from Dov Glickman --- Email: dglickm (at) fas.harvard.edu
- [WVQ} Dec 12, 1997 "WRITINGS OF WILLARD VAN ORMAN QUINE" --- Check out my Quine bibliography including books, articles, and pamphlets.
from Eddie Yeghiayan --- Email: eyeghiay (at) uci.edu Web Page: https://sun3.lib.uci.edu/~scctr/philosophy/quine/
- [WVQ} Dec 12, 1997 "WVQ Writings" (found site through: I wrote the page) --- THE WRITINGS OF WILLARD VAN ORMAN QUINE (https://sun3.lib.uci.edu/~scctr/philosophy/quine/) compiled by Eddie Yeghiayan --- email: eyeghiay (at) uci.edu -- at the University of California, Irvine, is a remarkable reference location. It includes: Books, Pamphlets, Contributions to Books, Articles, Abstracts, Dissertations, Reviews of Books, Reviews of Articles, Miscellanea, and Videos. There are also links the the UCI Department of Philosophy. from Doug
- [WVQ} Dec 23, 1997 "New Ideas" (found site through: -) --- Subj: New Ideas
Date: 97-12-22 04:12:21 EST
From: silvers (at) mainnet.net
To: Friend (at) public.com
Every general principle is an idea formed through the
mental process of induction. A theory is a body of
ideas, many of which are these same inductive concepts.
If today's academic culture, because of Hume's Problem
of Induction, generally considers that inductive ideas
have no logical basis, then we can say that new theory
formation is generally being discouraged.
Learn more about the implications of an historically
distinct new epistemological theory, by placing "more
info" in the subject line and emailing to kkbpi (at) aol.com from - --- Email: silvers (at) mainnet.net
- [WVQ} Dec 24, 1997 "Qiune's Thought" (found site through: Alta Vista) --- good enough from Giovanni Versace --- Email: gversac (at) tin.it
- [WVQ} Jan 5, 1998 "Philosophy" (found site through: Netscape (if that answers the question?)) --- Jan.5th.1998 12:04 GMT National Univerity of Ireland, GALWAY.
Dear Reader, I am writing an essay (due 12/1/98 ) on Quine's critique
of Logical Positivism and his view of empiricism with particular regard
to the 'five milestones'. I would appreciate any relavant information
to diarmaid.oconghaile (at) ucg.ie
Thank you from Diarmaid O' Conghaile
- [WVQ} Jan 14, 1998 "NEW PARADOX!" (found site through: WCP98 / PAIDEIA) --- Subj: New Paradox / Letter to the Congress/ Yippy Kiokiya!/Zharn
Date: 1/14/98
To: paideia (at) bu.edu
CC: ZHARN (at) aol.com
The VisualPhone Palindrome Paradox
By P. Joseph Zharn, 1/14/98
The abbreviation for 'enterprises' as "Es" turns out to be a visualphone palindrome paradox:
'EsSe', it's 'essy': to read 'Es' & to say 'Se'. The palindrome is written the same in both directions.
The paradox is half the palindrome is 'visual' & the other half is 'phonetic'.
P. Joseph Zharn
1828 Stadium Pl Ste 11
Ann Arbpr MI 48103-5234 USA
734-769-6217 Ph & Fax-nd
ZHARN (at) aol.com
from P. Joseph Zharn --- Email: ZPhilosoph (at) aol.com Web Page: https://members.aol.com/ZHARN
- [WVQ} Jan 15, 1998 "?" (found site through: the cjnet one) --- this might sound crazy-but if you are looking for help-well you will do what you need to do in order to get some questions answered? I am wondering what you would suggest for a book and or a way to find a journal in order to understand analysis of reasoning better? Just give me some advice and some info. please? from sacia viro --- Email: deivalb (at) hotmail.com
- [WVQ} Feb 5, 1998 (found site through: alta vista, looking for an article by Austin!) --- As a veteran of Philosphy 140, ever aspiring to 280, I am delighted to find this page from Stephen M. Truitt --- Email: ir002091 (at) mindspring.com
- [WVQ} Feb 9, 1998 (found site through: aol netfind) --- Can you send me any information on purchasing the Quine Videos?
I would be greatly obliged. from Jon Winterburn --- Email: Lcwx2 (at) aol.com
- [WVQ} Feb 9, 1998 "It's ITS Creation, &c." (found site through: on another's machine, using Prodigy Quine . htm) --- I have feedback, personal testimony re: Prof.Quine's "...attempting to determine whether the structure of language commits the philosopher to asserting the existence of any entities whatever, and if so, what kind." per "InfoPedia2" CD-Rom under metaphysics heading.
I "...assert the existence of "some" entity..." with its peculiar etymological and ontological bent toward epistemological clarification via ITS own "structure of language." There are many pages, Word6 (or Word 97) documents.
from Dudley Kirk Wiltse, Jr. --- Email: AlgorZ (at) Juno.Com
- [WVQ} Feb 14, 1998 "Philosophy of mind" (found site through: -) --- We would like very much to get hold of an extensive clarification of Quine's view on Philosophy of mind. We find that the view presented in the material between 1952-1992 leaves open for some considerable ambiguities. Without any claims of having found anything seriously damaging for the Quinean standpoint, we humbly wish to ask whether there isn't something problematic about his use of anomalous monism?
from Thorleif Markula/Marit Smedberg from Thorleif Markula/Marit Smedberg --- Email: masm (at) swipnet.se
- [WVQ} Feb 20, 1998 "Quine Video Source" (found site through: aol netfind) --- Can you send me any information on purchasing the Quine Videos? I would be greatly obliged.
Subj: Re: Quine Video Source
Date: 98-02-18 15:29:24 EST
From: David (at) longley.demon.co.uk (David Longley)
Tapes can be purchased from:
r.fara (at) lse.ac.uk
R. V. Fara
Executive Director
The London School of Economics
CPNSS (Tymes Court)
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE
United Kingdom
Tel: 0171-955 6819 (direct)
0171-955 7573 (secretary)
Fax: 0171-955 6869 from Jon Winterburn --- Email: Lcwx2 (at) aol.com
- [WVQ} Feb 28, 1998 "predictive efficacy" (found site through: can't remember) --- Dear Professor Quine,
In order to be given the master in philosophy, I am working on a
paper about falsification in social psychology. For this I am
discussing the Duhem-thesis and your holistic view of science.
After reading many of your books and papers in philosophy of science
and philosophy of language I still have some problems in
understanding, how to interpret the "PREDICTIVE EFFICACY" of a
system of hypotheses (Quine & Ullian, 1978). My first attempt was to
read "predictive efficacy" as the feature of a theoretical system,
that it has not to be adjusted by new observations. I rejected this
interpretation, because in principle a system of tautologies never
has to be adjusted.
So my present interpretation is something about the pragmatic
usefulness of a system of hypotheses, and that this usefulness should
be guaranteed by the six virtues. These are considered to have the
responsibility for "predictive efficacy" in the sense of maximizing
the informational content (refutability, precision), in reducing
complexity (generality, simplicity) and avoiding uncertainty caused
by strong and changing hypotheses.
Accordingly the criterion for predictive efficacy could be understood
as being defined by them.
My questions to you now are: How has the relation between the virtues
and predictive efficacy to be understood? Are the virtues defining
the property of predictive efficacy or is there a kind of independent
criterion that I didn´t take in consideration yet? Or, am I maybe
totally wrong with my interpretation?
I would be very grateful if you could give me some assistance in
answering the questions above.
Kind regards,
Bertram Gawronski
from Bertram Gawronski --- Email: Bertram.Gawronski (at) psychologie.hu-berlin.de Web Page: https://arb1.psychologie.hu-berlin.de/orgpsy/index_o.htm
- [WVQ} Mar 4, 1998 "Math logic" --- I am a student of Logic at UC Berkeley. . .the first book on logic
I ever picked up was Professor Quine's Mathematical Logic. It scared
the heck out of me. But I liked it. I took it an ran.
Thanks. from Walter H. Salgado --- Email: tsornin (at) concentric.net
- [WVQ} Mar 7, 1998 "Haack's critique of Quine's nat'l epist." (found site through: Alta Vista) --- Susan Haack claims, in her _Evidence and Inquiry_ (chapter 6), that Quine's epistemology naturalized is ambiguous and inconsistent. She says he starts out as an 'apriorist reformist' and shifts illogically to 'revolutionary scientism.' I believe she misunderstands that Quine's reformism (by which Haack means the abandonment of the analyitic/synthetic distinction) necessarily leads to "scientism" (as she negatively puts it) with respect to certain philosophical issues, viz., epistemology. I see a historical process of the philosopher turning into the scientist as he tries to solve the problems of epistemology. And sometimes the solving requires a recasting of the problems in new terms, orven a dissolution of former "problems" as no longer such as our knowledge progresses. I want to write a paper to trounce Haack on this issue. I thin she really does not get Quine's ideas on this and how they are perfectly consistent. Also, there seems to be a common criticism that I, as a Quineian, encounter from philosopher professors about Quine. They say that he is a rhetorician more than a philosopher, and his snazzy writing style and rich vocabulary cannot be taken at face value. They are suspicious of Quine's writing, perhaps without really understanding it. I had the great fortune, I feel, to meet Prof. Quine in my last semester at Saint Anselm College last year (he came in late April/earlyMay of '97). We submitted questions to him, most of which I wrote, and then he came up and answered them and had dinner with our philosophy club. I got to sit at the table with him and ask him many other questions, and then he signed my copy of _Theories and Things_ before he left. It was a wonderful time. I will remember that visit forever. I continue to read Quine's works. There are so many to keep us reading and thinking for many years. Thank you. from Scott M. Stirling --- Email: sstirling (at) earthlink.net
- [WVQ} Mar 23, 1998 "Narrative Psychology" (found site through: Excite) --- Can you recommend a practitioner of narrative psychology in the Manhattan area? from Allan Hardy --- Email: ahardy (at) earthlink.net
- [WVQ} Mar 31, 1998 "philosophy" (found site through: aolnetfind) --- Please add me to the list from June --- Email: JuneHYang (at) aol.com
- [WVQ} Apr 5, 1998 "Philosophy of Language and the birth of neologisms" (found site through: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ) --- Sometimes neologisms come up in a language - often words from other languages or words that had another meaning before. Even if they are well-defined (what should generally be the case if the neologism is introduced in a scientific theory: for example: quarks) they get a whole range of meaning inside the language spoken by the society of speakers. So the specialist in elementary particle physics may have a different concept than a journalist, a chemist other than a teacher at school. Since the neologism is diffused in real time throughout the community of speakers its range of meaning differs at different time-space.points. The dynamics of this diffusion and the change of meaning taking place during events of communication where this neologism is used may be interesting for the "dynamics of meaning" instead of a static approach in most of the current language theory.
This is just a comment - maybe because I did not find an appropriate poem for such a prominent guestbook.
Georg Boomgaarden from Georg.A.Boomgaarden --- Email: Georg.A.Boomgaarden (at) T-Online.de
- [WVQ} Apr 12, 1998 "Interested in Philosophy of Mathematics & Logic" --- Hi,
The title of My Ph.D. Thesis is
"Philosophy of Mathematics & Philosophical Systems;
On the Classifications of W.V.O. Quine & J. Vuillemin".
I searched the adress to sent the abstract to Professor Quine,
by cortesy.
Joseph Vidal-Rosset, University of Burgundy BP 138 21004 Dijon Cedex
FRANCE. from Prof. Joseph Vidal-Rosset --- Email: Joseph.Vidal-Rosset (at) u-bourgogne.fr
- [WVQ} Apr 19, 1998 "Quine family from St.Johns" (found site through: Yahoo) --- Daughter of Walter Geoffrey Quine, grand-daughter of Sidney and Miriam Quine. from Gillian Quine --- Email: datastd (at) rchme.gov.uk
- [WVQ} Apr 23, 1998 "a fasinating book. . . ." (found site through: infoseek) --- I just wanted to say, I am currently in a class of advanced logic, in which METHODS OF LOGIC is the primary text. This is one of the best classes I've ever taken. Quine defines the word genius.
(by the way, the secondary text is Naming and Necessity by Kripke)
from marc jenkins --- Email: logan (at) internetMCI.com
- [WVQ} Apr 29, 1998 (found site through: Yahoo) --- I admire Quine greatly. However, I cannot understand why such an intelligent man should sign such a piece of nonsense as the letter sent to The Times attepting to block Derrida from being awarded an honourary degree by Cambridge. The argument presented in the letter is utterly unconvincing, especially after having read Derrida's own response to it in an interview with Cambridge. Has Quine read this response? Has he ever seriously attempted to read Derrida at all? Would he be willing to engage in a one-to-one debate with Derrida concerning the nature of philosophy? (I believe that this could probably be the greatest debate in modern philosophy). I am neither an advocate of Derrida nor Quine, but respect both very much. I would appreciate a sincere response to these questions, for they should not be ignored. That aside, Quine's logic is beautiful and profound, and I believe he may well be a genius.
from D. Firth --- Email: FirthD (at) cardiff.ac.uk
- [WVQ} May 6, 1998 "philosophy" (found site through: yahoo) --- Professor Quine: I´m a philosophy student at Colomia, South America. My main interests are the fhilosofhy of logic and mathematics. I´ve been studing your philososphy for a long time. Your article "On what there is" has a special meaning for me. It´s been like an inspiration.
from ANDRES MEJIA-VERGNAUD --- Email: almejia (at) telesat.com.co
- [WVQ} May 25, 1998 "Saul Kripke and Dr. Quine" --- Dear Sir,
I'm glad that my comments were read. Often times you sign someone's guest book and they are never read. the truth is, there is a story that is circulating in the graduate student classes concerning Quine.
We've heard stories about Saul Kripke and Dr. Quine at a group meeting discussing the nature of logic. We've tried to find transcripts of this discussion. Do any exist? Thank you for your time,
Marc Jenkins
Can anyone help?
Subj: Saul Kripke and Dr. Quine
Date: 05/18/98
To: logan (at) internetMCI.com
Dear Marc,
I spoke to Prof. Quine over the weekend and gave him a copy of your E-Mail note. He does not recall any transcripts of that meeting.
You might check with Prof. Bert Dreben at the Boston University Philosophy department because he is probably the expert on the works of Quine and works about Quine. Perhaps there is a transcript available somewhere that we don't know about. (You probably appreciate that there are thousands of articles about Quine that he is not necessarily aware of). If you find anything, I'll add it to the listing.
I am also posting your request at the W V Quine guest book in case someone else has an answer.
- Doug from Marc Jenkins --- Email: logan (at) internetMCI.com
- [WVQ} May 29, 1998 (found site through: yahoo) --- Student in Professor Daniel Dennett's
Seminar on Quine's Word & Object
Tufts Univeristy, Spring 1998 from Joshua Geller --- Email: jrg0187 (at) aol.com
- [WVQ} Jun 9, 1998 "Philosophy of language" (found site through: yahoo) --- Siento mucho agrado de haber encontrado este sitio y me gustaria hacerle llegar al Profesor Quine alguno de los trabajos que sobre el autor he realizado tanto a nivel de pregrado como de postgrado. He trabajado el tema del holismo semantico y metodologico y ademas las bases skinnerianas para una fundamentacion conductista de la nocion de stimulus meaning. Quisiera saber si es posible hacerle llegar al Profesor algun trabajo para someterlo a su consideracion. Reciba un cordial saludo y queda de Uds. Atentamente.
Tulio Olmos Gil
Instituto de Filosofia de la Universidad Central de Venezuela
from Tulio Olmos Gil --- Email: tolmos (at) yahoo.com
- [WVQ} Jun 24, 1998 "90th Birthday" (found site through: alta vista) --- Happy 90th Birthday! When Burton Dreben spoke here in Ottawa last month he mentioned that WVOQ was going to be 90 on June 25th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and MAY YOU HAVE MANY MORE PRODUCTIVE YEARS. Also many thanks for years of philosophic pleasure. I wrote my PH.D. dissertation on the Duhemian thesis in "Two Dogmas" and have enjoyed your writings for many decades. Thanks again for everything. Cheers! B.M. from Brad Munro --- Email: bmunro (at) cyberus.ca
- [WVQ} Jun 25, 1998 (found site through: Yahoo) --- Happy birthday, Dr. W. V. Quine!
-Regards, a student of mathematics and philosophy from Idris Mercer --- Email: idmercer (at) yahoo.com Web Page: welcome.to/idris.mercer
- [WVQ} Jun 26, 1998 "Logic" (found site through: Netscape) --- Your book--Philosophy if Logic (1970), has been most enlightening
for me. May you live to be 110.
from Colin T. Wilbur ---
- [WVQ} Jun 26, 1998 "Dr. W. V. Quine's "birthday present(found site through: Yahoo) --- Some time after submitting by previous entry to your guestbook, and
receiving your e-mail acknowledging you read my entry, I realized
that perhaps Dr. W. V. Quine, as a mathematician of sorts, may be
interested in reading the latest addition to my homepage at
https://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/2314/primes.html which is a
fairly brief interesting proof that there are infinitely many prime
numbers, and which is different from the usual proof due to Euclid. from Idris Mercer (again) --- Email: idmercer (at) yahoo.com Web Page: https://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/2314/primes.html
- [WVQ} Jul 1, 1998 "signing the book" --- I feel great to be able to be in this book.
from Marcin Gokieli --- Email: Mkkgokieli (at) mailexcite.com
- [WVQ} Jul 1, 1998 "Java" (found site through: Yahoo) --- Professor Quine, you are my hero.
I'm a former Jesuit, with a Master's in philosophy from the Univ. of St. Louis. I still study your work, and it is a delight.
I was scanning a tutorial on Java (the computer programming language), and I noticed how ... Quinian ... it sounded. (Notice I didn't call it quinine. You're welcome.) The tutorial discussed a basic concept in programming, called "classes."
This discussion could have been written completely by you. I'm curious. Was it? In some way? Did you ever teach or mentor to the creator of Java?
To be honest, I was having trouble grasping the full power of "classes" in programming - until I made the connection with logical classes.
If nothing else, Professor, you have given me something to work on. Thank you. from KC Mulville --- Email: kcmulville (at) yahoo.com
- [WVQ} Jul 1, 1998 "Java Classes and Birthdays" (found site through: (I wrote the page)) --- Thank you for the kind note. I will relay it to Prof. Quine. I doubt that he was involved in the Java development but it is possible that the creators read some of Quine's works. I'll have to see which paper helps most with classes for my work in the mysteries of Java.
You might be amused to learn that at his 90th birthday over the weekend, we gave him a copy of the Oxford English Dictionary conmtaining the word "Quinian"!
- Regards - from Doug - Web Page: https://www.wvquine.org/wv-quine.html
- [WVQ} Aug 13, 1998 "Ontological commitments for logical discourse" (found site through: Yahoo) --- Dr. Quine, I am curious to know your thinking on whether the apparatus of
ontological commitment via existential quantification would apply to
talk about logical "objects." Forinstance we often say that there are valid arguments
or logical forms--hence there is an apparent ontological commitment, an I do not see an obvious
way to paraphrase these claims without bad implications, e.g. error theoretic accounts of
logical truths. I hope you can respond. If not, thank you greatly for a career filled
with meaningful contributions to philosophy, logic and mathematics -rb
from Robert Barnard --- Email: rbarnard (at) memphis.edu Web Page: www.people.memphis.edu/~rbarnard
- [WVQ} Sep 6, 1998 "feedback to page / one question on logic of philosophy" (found site through: infoseek) --- Hello, I enjoyed going through your web page dedicated to your father, Dr.W.V.Quine. I could also see another aspect of the great philosopher from his family view point. In this meaning, this page is a very unique place to understand him. I was a student of Dr.A.Oide (Ohe) in Japan who translated "Set Theory and Its Logic" and "Word and Object" into Japanese.When I was a student of his class, he was just in the stage to finalise the Japanese edition after staying in a hospital for half a year. He added comment that the translation of "Word and Object" was a very challenging task for his group due to its profound expressions and unique styles where Dr.Quine's themes are deeply related. My own paper for B.A. was on philosophy of logic comparing opninions of Dr.Quine and Dr.Putnam. While going through the web page, it reminded me such memories of my school days as I am in a totally different business.
I had one question which I wished a chance to ask Dr.Quine. I had an impression in his "philosphy of logic" that he was not very positive to accept the trials of quantum logic systems due to lack of classical negations. However, recently, many trials are seen to device the system in more natural way, for example, by using Gentzen's sequence style, with introduction of a relationship of "commutability".(In fact, Dr.Oide was one of them in Japan when I was a student.) Following Ian Hacking's neat idea represented 20 years ago (presented in a paper, "What is logic?" in journal of philosophy), I thought that intuitionists and quantum logic could reveal further deeper structure of inference hidden in classical logic. I was wondering what would be an opinion of Dr.Quine as of today.
With surprise and admiration, I recently found the latest book written at his 90's with unchanged clarity, From Stimulus to Science. I wish all the best for Dr.Quine's continuous activities which always gives great insights.
from Kiminari Ishisaka --- Email: kimisi (at) csi.com
- [WVQ} Sep 25, 1998 (found site through: Copernic) --- If I only heard the word "gavagai" used once, it's quite true I couldn't tell what kind of "rabbity" thing it meant. But with enough association and dialog with the speaker of such a word I could zero right in on its meaning with exactness only limited by mine and his patience. from Edwin P. McCravy --- Email: AnlytcPhil (at) aol.com
- [WVQ} Oct 8, 1998 "social philosophy" (found site through: Peter Suber's site) --- Your reputation is so great, I thought you were dead. Actually, I'm a grad student in philosophy and I was hunting online for your article "Two Dogmas of Empiricism." from Harold E. French --- Email: audrone (at) dgweb.com
- [WVQ} Oct 12, 1998 "Scandal of Induction" (found site through: Altavista) --- Could someone please give me a brief overview of " the Scandal of Induction" along with some examples. thank you. from Eddie Leon --- Email: evleon (at) nmsu.edu
- [WVQ} Oct 13, 1998 --- hello quine from dan --- Email: dsf1 (at) ukc.ac.uk
- [WVQ} Oct 19, 1998 "Philosophy" (found site through: APA Home Page) --- Hi! from Zenon Stavrinides --- Email: z.stavrinides (at) mcmail.com
- [WVQ} Nov 4, 1998 "philosophy" (found site through: Webcrawler) --- If you had one piece of advice to offer a prospective philosopher, what would it be? from Andrew McGonigal --- Email: 9149961m (at) student.gla.ac.uk
- [WVQ} Nov 11, 1998 "From a Logical Point of View" (found site through: AOL) --- IT was very well organized. from Brian Farman --- Email: farmanbv (at) plu.edu Web Page: www.plu.edu/~farmanbv
- [WVQ} Nov 13, 1998 "Interest" --- Just looking through your web site - my Father-in-law was a John Thomas Quine born in Douglas, Isle of Man in the late eighteen hundreds - he married Sarah Jane Cregeen of Port Erin. from Olga Quine --- Email: Hippany (at) hotmail.com
- [WVQ} Nov 21, 1998 "elementary logic (1941)" (found site through: I'm not sure - I used a bookmark. Maybe Metacrawler) --- The web site you made in honor of Prof. Quine is great. Thank you very much.
I never took any formal training in logic and I really struggled through
this book.
Paragraph 46 exercise 2 wants me to argue from 'circles are figures' to
'whoever draws a circle draws a figure'. I think this is done by using
the same variable along with 'circle' and 'figure' as well as with 'draws a
circle' and 'draws a figure'. But I find that I can do this only because
I know that it must be the same before I prove the logical argument.
In this case logic can prove the conclusion correct, once it is stated;
but what mechanism do I use to establish the conclusion in the first place?
What is wrong with the way I look at this exercise?
I am afraid my question is rather childish; still I would be very greatful
if you should bother to look at it.
Kind regards
Kurt from Kurt Wischin --- Email: platon (at) mail.intermex.com.mx Web Page: https://www.platon.com.mx
- [WVQ} Dec 11, 1998 "Meeting Dr. Quine" (found site through: Webferret) --- Dr. Quine,
Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending a half-day with your father, W.V. Quine. Dr. Quine has been gracious in allowing a local school, Eastern Nazarene College, to film him for a cable TV series on influential thinkers. Having done my academic work in the field of international relations, I fear that I could not appreciate Dr. Quine's intellectual contributions as much as could a fellow philosopher. Regardless, your father displayed the mighty intellect expected of one who had slayed an entire school of philosophical thought. Further, his humble and warm demeanor was endearing, a word I have never used before in describing an academic. He was quite impressed to know that you have posted his flight log, and he even recounted the Model T trip with much humour and detail. We drove your father home to Beacon Hill after filming, and as I walked him to his door I realized I will probably never again be in the presence of such brilliance. Truly a great experience. from Patrick Campbell --- Email: lordcampbell (at) yahoo.com
- [WVQ} Dec 17, 1998 "Ontology; use of set theory" (found site through: altavista) --- Carnap talked of different "frameworks" -- numbers, things, events; see also Quine, Set Theory & its logic, Ch 2..
I want to apply "set theory" instead of "modal logic" to deonitic logic (logic of obligatory acts and permissions; useful for lawyers). The ontology or "framework" of set theory usually is the empty set and natural numbers (generated by the axiom of infinity). Does Professor Quine know of other books which apply set theory to the framework of "events."? from Thomas G. Kabele, Ph.D. (math) --- Email: thomas_kabele (at) glic.com see Guardian Life Insurance Co. for co web page
- [WVQ} Dec 18, 1998 "WV Quine Literature" (found site through: I created this one) --- I regret that Prof. Quine has not been able to keep up with the latest literature (the books about him alone fill a bookcase 6 feet tall and several feet wide); I would suggest checking with one of his colleagues or perhaps a reader will observe your note in this W. V. Quine Guestbook and reply. from Doug - Web Page: https://www.wvquine.org/wv-quine.html
- [WVQ} Jan 5, 1999 "Philosophy's methodology" (found site through: alta vista) --- I'm indebted to Quine for his lucid exposition on what otherwise would appear to be arcane philosophical issues accessible only
by (anointed) members of the clique.
Yet, I'm perplexed as to how philosphers can presume to engage questions about the nature of existence, thought, materiality, or consciousness, etc. -- complex dynamical processes all -- using
static concepts (such as "state", for example).
Put another way, philosophers seem to think they can plumb these
topics without getting into the messy details of, for example, biology.
They seem to keep alive the notion that the parochially segregated subject "disciplines" actually reflect the universe as a menage of unrelated phenomena.
Clearly, philosophy has got itself into a corner it cannot escape.
from Dennis Hollenberg --- Email: d2 (at) ncplus.com
- [WVQ} Jan 20, 1999 "Quine and A J Ayer" --- I am writing a biography of the philosopher A J Ayer. Would Professor Quine have any letters from Ayer in his archive? I would be very grateful to see them. from Ben Rogers --- Email: benrogers (at) compuserve.com
- [WVQ} Jan 30, 1999 --- was just surfing and found this site,i am from w.v. so i thought i would sign your guess book. from J.Wade --- Email: bell (at) lynchburg.net
- [WVQ} Feb 5, 1999 --- I have enjoyed browsing through the pages dedicated to W.V.O Quine
and am currently making progress though his papers on Mathematics.
I will be hoping to fix my PhD subject on Quine's works, so these
pages have been a great motivator.
Thanks. from Darren Dent --- Email: dd496 (at) soton.ac.uk
- [WVQ} Feb 14, 1999 "Similarity." (found site through: alta vista) --- Dear Professor Willard V. Quine (or whom it may concern),
I got your quote from an academic paper but the author did not reference
you correctly he only gave W.V. QUINE as a reference.
the quote is
"There is nothing more basic to thought and language than our sense of
similarity; our sorting of things into kinds"
What is the correct reference for this quote?
best regards
Alec Holt
from Alec Holt --- Email: Aholt (at) infoscience.otago.ac.nz Web Page: formal https://divcom.otago.ac.nz:800/sirc/alecholt or informal https://divcom.otago.ac.nz:800/sirc/alec
- [WVQ} Feb 25, 1999 "Greetings" (found site through: My math page is in the aol hometown math "webring" just prior to this site.) --- "So many books, so little time..." from David Parker --- Email: parkerdr (at) aol.com Web Page: https://members.aol.com/parkerdr/
- [WVQ} Mar 9, 1999 --- I am scientist, but I practice epistemology in the faculty and I have just discovered your work last week...
I am of course very impressed.
The world could have been done with logic??? from marcel carrere --- Email: carrere (at) newsup.univ-mrs.fr
- [WVQ} Mar 12, 1999 "Ask questions concerning his mathematical realism" --- As I am doing a Theis on your views about mathematics and their criticism into the contemporary american philosophy of mathematics(especially into H.Field's fictionalist programm)I want to ask you dear Professor two questions :
1/How can you personnaly understand Field's views on the conservativeness of mathematics ?
2/ Do you think that such theory can give us a satisfactory interpretation of actually Mathematics while rejecting any substantial notion of mathematical truth and existence and knowledge ?
from Mlika hamdi --- Email: Mlika (at) francemel.com
- [WVQ} Mar 12, 1999 "Two Dogmas of Empiricism et al - discussion" (found site through: Excite) --- I have no formal training in philosohy beyond Hum 5, and
I regret that I did not discover W.V.O. Quine until sometime
after I graduated from Harvard in '68.
I have long been intrigued by Professor Quines writings
(not to mention entertained by his wit and literate style).
Do you happen to know if there is, in New York City, anything
resembling an informal study group of his writings? I am
particularly interested in his "Two Dogmas" essay.
Many thanks from Lou Hinman --- Email: lohinma (at) hotmail.com
- [WVQ} Mar 17, 1999 "Rudolf Carnap's theory of space" (found site through: netscape) --- Dear Professor,
I would like to ask you few questions about Carnap's "Aufbau" if possible.
I am writing my doctorate on Husserl's and Carnap's theories of space
and collecting papers, notes, anything on Carnap's early writings.
There are many connections between Carnap and neo-Kantians or Husserl,
but I would like to ask you if Carnap's theory of space was his own?
Reichenbach corresponded to him many times in 1920s and his "Philosophy
of Space-Time" must have been very influenced to Carnap. Would you tell
me what are the connections between Reichenbach's and Carnap's concep-
tions of space? Polish philosopher Roman Ingarden mentioned in one of
his books that Carnap had attended on some Husserl's lectures - do you
know something about this, dear professor?
In prof. Putnam's opinion Carnap's "Raum" is more Husserlian than neo-
Kantian. Would you agree with it?
And the last question: is Carnap's concept of construction in your opi-
nion strongly connected with Husserl's concept of constitution?
Thank you, dear professor, for any answer.
Sending the best wishes from Poland I am looking forward to hearing from you
Yours sincerely,
Pawel Przywara
The Catholic University of Lublin.
from Pawel Przywara The Catholic University of Lublin, Poland --- Email: przywara (at) friko3.onet.pl
- [WVQ} Apr 26, 1999 "Quine Family Farms" (found site through: I created the page) --- Two weeks ago we went to the Isle of Man and found the Quine family farms: Arderry (from 1540 to 1761) and Ballafargher - now Glenville (1761 - 1824). What a beautiful country. from Doug - Web Page: https://www.wvquine.org/wv-quine.html
- [WVQ} Apr 28, 1999 (found site through: yahoo) --- Can you explain, in layman English, the final argument in your essay "On What There is"? I am a student in Philosophy of language and am having trouble. from Alan Casselman --- Email: ajcasselm (at) aol.com
- [WVQ} May 18, 1999 "epistemology" (found site through: ms explorer) --- should the web of beliefs be understood as a purposeful metaphor?
why quine? why early (immature) quine? for a site? from alex stotts --- Email: stotts (at) oregon.uoregon.edu
- [WVQ} May 22, 1999 --- Like Davidson I too can write:
W.V.O. Quine
sine qua non from Rory A.A. Hinton --- Email: raahinton (at) hotmail.com
- [WVQ} Jun 1, 1999 "From one Quine to another!" (found site through: Netscape) --- Having just discovered your son's website and having enjoyed
reading all about your branch of the family, my congratulations to you
for your incredible achievements in your field!
Sharon (Wales, UK/ Isle of Man) from Sharon Quine --- Email: s.quine (at) excite.com Web Page: https://www.rmplc.co.uk/eduweb/sites/rhosgoch.sch/index.html
- [WVQ} Jun 4, 1999 "help" --- I am a peruvian student, so I would like, you help me to find more about naturalist epstemology..... please, can you help me?.... from katherine otiniano --- Email: adrianz (at) mixmail.com
- [WVQ} Jun 4, 1999 "help" --- I am a peruvian student, so I would like, you help me to find more about naturalist epstemology..... please, can you help me?.... from katherine otiniano --- Email: adrianz (at) mixmail.com
- [WVQ} Jun 6, 1999 "radical translation" (found site through: yahoo) --- i need to have more documents about the suject.
tanks from manuel almeida --- Email: rdd54041 (at) mail.telepac.pt
- [WVQ} Jun 7, 1999 (found site through: Yahoo) --- I have always enjoyed Dr. Quine's writings. He has been one of my heroes of philosophy for over 25 years. from James T. Decker --- Email: jqdecker (at) ix.netcom.com
- [WVQ} Jun 10, 1999 "Guestbook test - Triskelion" (found site through: I wrote it) --- Confirming Triskelion Link to Guestbook from Doug - Web Page: https://www.wvquine.org/wv-quine.html
- [WVQ} Jun 10, 1999 "WVQ Guestbook AOL" (found site through: I wrote the page) --- confirming AOL link to guestbook from Doug - Web Page: https://www.wvquine.org/wv-quine.html
- WVQ-T Jun 10, 1999 "WVQ Guestbook" (found site through: I wrote the page) --- Triskelion site to WVQ guestbook test from Doug - Web Page: https://www.wvquine.org/wv-quine.html
- WVQ-A Jun 10, 1999 "WVQ Guestbook" (found site through: I wrote the page) --- AOL guestbook append test from Doug - Web Page: https://www.wvquine.org/wv-quine.html
- [WVQ-A] Jun 15, 1999 --- In a recent contribution to a forthcoming The Cambridge Companion to Quine, I have argued, among other things, that Quine is in a certain sense a relativist. Not in a bad sense, though. from Lars Bergstrom --- Email: lars.bergstrom (at) philosophy.su.se
- [WVQ-A] Jun 21, 1999 "Personal Home Page of a Black British Police Officer" (found site through: Yahoo) --- I enjoyed my visit. Pleased to be one of your guests. Best wishes. from David MICHAEL --- Email: serpico (at) cwcom.net Web Page: https://www.lm-p.com/html/dmichael.html
- [WVQ-A] Jul 6, 1999 (found site through: the 'perfect music' site) --- I've just discovered that my favourite guitarist of all time is, indeed, related to the philosopher I wrote much of my PhD thesis about... I suppose there can't be too many Quines in the world.
What talents lurk in the rest of the family?
Sam from Sam Inglis --- Email: sam (at) sospubs.co.uk Web Page: https://www.precedence.co.uk/baby/
- [WVQ-A] Jul 9, 1999 "greeting" (found site through: Alta Vista) --- Just a simple Campus Minister interested in philosophy. I first heard about Dr. Quine 4 years ago in an apologetics class and have been interested in his work ever since. KH Irwin from KH Irwin --- Email: derch (at) iol11.com
- [WVQ-A] Sep 9, 1999 "genealogy- slave ?" (found site through: yohoo) --- I need help in fining my Great Grandmothers birth place or something about her pleace help!!!!!!!It was said she came from Harper ferry, W VA. She may have been born around 1850-1870 how she got to charlottesville, Va. no one have any idea. She lived in VA. until her death in the 50's just before her death she owned a home in Charlottesville on 11th street. Her name was Eliza Covington Harris, she married a James Harris and had three girls and two boys. from patricia ligons --- Email: ligons4007 (at) msn.com
- [WVQ-A] Sep 9, 1999 "genealogy- slave ?" (found site through: yohoo) --- I need help in fining my Great Grandmothers birth place or something about her pleace help!!!!!!!It was said she came from Harper ferry, W VA. She may have been born around 1850-1870 how she got to charlottesville, Va. no one have any idea. She lived in VA. until her death in the 50's just before her death she owned a home in Charlottesville on 11th street. Her name was Eliza Covington Harris, she married a James Harris and had three girls and two boys. from patricia ligons --- Email: ligons4007 (at) msn.com
- [WVQ-A] Sep 24, 1999 "truth" --- Vae victis! Keep up the good work. from William S. Helmer --- Email: wshelmer (at) aol.com
Willard Van Orman Quine Guest Books